Smelly toenails are very common 10% of the population suffer from toenail fungus which is the cause of stinky nails.
A bacterial infection such as Staphylococcus or Brevibacteriaare are common reasons why toenails smell like cheese due to an infection that causes a foul odour. This infection is called Onychomycosis = Toenail Fungus Onychomycosis is caused by dermatophytes which are fungi, which is the cause of the yellow discolouration (toe jam) as it eats away and the cheesy build up under and around the toenail is formed.
Brevibacteriaare bacteria is used to ripen and mature certain cheeses!
It may look or smell like cheese but it does not taste like cheese! Men are more likely to suffer from toenail fungus infections then women.
How to get rid of smelly toenails and the cheese!
Step 1:
Soak your feet in a good anti fungal lotion 1- 2 times a day for 14 days.
I recommend you use this anti fungal soap Purely Northwest
Step 2:
Ensure your feet are dry after your shower dry in between the toes before putting socks on. Step 3:
Keep your toenails short trim them well and regular this encourages the nails to grow quicker. Step 4:
Apply a Fungal topical or cream solution which will kill the bacteria from the nail bed under the toenail.
A strong product such as Amoils Nail Fungus will soak thru to the nail bed and eliminate the bacteria growing and the smell will go fast.
You will also see the discoloured toenail slowly return to a healthy pink colour.
You will need to be patient and apply 2 times a day.
Final thought
So you now know why your toenails smell like cheese.
Its a bacterial infection, it may spread so you had better start treating the infection before it gets worse.
If you need any advice or help leave me a comment below of come over to the Facebook page #askthefootpainreliefexpert a question and i will be happy to give you the best advice i can.
But i strongly recommend you visit the Amoils Nail Fungus Website for further reading and purchase a bottle of this strong Anti Fungus Oil if you are serious about curing your toenails.
A Corn is a build up of skin caused by friction or pressure mostly from shoes.
A hard corn and soft corn between toes normally appears when you wear too tight shoes or boots,
Your feet are pushed and squashed together causing the toes to rub each other as you walk.
Its the action of movement and confined space in the shoes that cause corns to form.
Soft corn in between toes are SOFT because your toes are tight against each other,
The skin sweats and air ventilation between the toes is limited, this then causes the skin to become clammy and wet.
Soft corn photos
Soft corns between the toes look very different to hard corns which look like a circular hard pin head.
The white circle around the corn is wet sweaty skin and the callous is sunken.
Its the soft white skin that makes it so hard to remove the corn with a scalpel so hardening the soft corn always helps to remove it quicker.
How to treat soft corns
As a Foot Health Practitioner i must admit is hate soft corns they are trickier to treat then hard corns which are just lumps of hard skin.
The problems you face treating soft corns
Getting access to the soft corn
Removing the entire corn
Preventing bleeding
Home Remedies for treating Soft Corns
These are the best treatments i can recommend you try at home but you may need your partner or a friend to help!
Compeed Gel Corn Plasters
Animal Wool
Gel Spreaders
Corn Wraps
Toe Divider Supports
Do you notice on my list i have not listed ACID CORN PLASTERS!
The reason i do not like them is because they usually cause more damage then goodto the skin.
When you apply a standard corn plaster to your skin you need to know what to expect!
After about 10 minutes your toe will begin to get warm as the acid embeds into your skin,
Corn plasters have a reputation for not staying in place ,
this is due to your bodies skin temperature warming or even if you have cool feet.
laster find it difficult to stick and they slide and move and when this happens to corn plasters with acid you will feel discomfort and burning.
That burning sensation is the acid burning healthy skin not the corn.
Are YOU Sure you have a Corn Maybe Its a Wart?
Often plantar warts and Verruca are mistaken for corns on toes so if you are not 100% wherever you have a corn vs wart, read my post on Warts on Feet Pictures Vs Corns
Do you have a wart on your foot?
I would highly recommend you apply H-Warts Formula,
This powerful natural wart remover that i use on all my patients for getting rid of unwanted warts.
How you can remove your soft corn between toes without visiting a Podiatrist....
Soft corns ,hard corns, seed corns, calluses are all caused by friction and pressure.
So eliminate the pressure and friction and you will not get a corn.
Normally the cause of your corn is a particular pare of shoes, boots, or slippers.
You are going to have to hunt down these corn makers!
either get them stretched , dump them or use one of my top 5 preventive products if you want to continue to wear them.
Do you have a verruca on your foot? and are totally sick of its presence,
Well i can totally relate to you,
I had this stubborn plantar wart or verruca,
on my foot for over two years.
Yep thats my foot
and its nasty which ever way you look at it, it was embarrassing and painful and i just wanted it gone.
I guess i got this beast at the gym i used to walk around as we all do barefoot in the changing rooms. Verruca & Plantar warts consist of the HPV Virus which is a viral infection.
You can pick them up so easy as walking over the same floor as someone who has one.
Just by walking their foot print or using the same bath towel as someone who has a verruca you can catch one too.
Especially if you have a cut or split in your skin the virus can just jump in and before our know it a wart/ verruca begins to grow.
Verruca Myths and Facts
Verruca may look like a corn or callus to begin with.
They will get bigger over time.
Filing them down causes them to bleed.
If you rub your feet they will spread.... so don't!
They can be painful due to the extra hard skin growing over the verruca.
Its a myth that they have a 7 year life spam.
Onion and garlic and banana skins do not cure verruca.
If you have more than one verruca they are called verrucae
Back to the Best Natural Verruca Treatment ..... In my opinion
I had tried on my foot to date......
Wartner Scholls Wart Plasters
Salactol - Acid base
Banana Skins
Tea Tree Oil
I was pretty fed up!
But of all the plantar wart treatments i had tried,
The only one that had any real effect was the tea tree oil.
I decided to do my research as I'm sure you have too and i read every blog post and forum about using natural remedies to cure warts.
I soon discovered that the top natural plant oils that other wart patients were recommending included products containing,
tea tree oil, geranium, wheat germ,marigold oils
These all contain organic and natural healing ailments that have been used for years by buddhas and chinese doctors. I personally like the idea off natural treatments ,
You may have already used tea tee oil on blemishes or finger nail fungus.
After reading an article about the natural healing powers of organic essential oils,
One product stood out and was being repeatedly mentioned for the use on warts , verruca, hand warts, and skin tags.
The company were based in California,
Now I'm in the UK ,
but even with the shipping costs i decided after reading so many positive testimonials i should give it a shot. Get $10 off your first Healing Natural Oils order
My Honest Review of the best natural verruca treatment that worked on my foot!
I purchased two bottles of the H Warts Formula in total, at the time one bottle contained 11 ml of product.
You have several options now a 11ml or 33ml bottle if you have more than one verruca or a large stubborn one i would recommend the 33ml size.
Problems i encountered with previous verruca treatments.
Two of the things i hated most about using the Bazuka , Wartner and W Compound gels and wart plasters was the mess and the pain they caused.
Applying a gel which has an acid base is difficult,
Especially underneath your foot,
Quickly the gel runs down your foot and you end up burning good skin and causing pain from burn damage.
Wart plasters are the same they are so hard to keep in place ,
they are acid based too so the same problem occurs.
I also tried using a banana skin and crushed garlic on my verruca!
Both ended up with a negative result a lot of mess and my foot stinked!
Also i read that banana skin can actually cause infections from rubbing it into the skin.
Amoils Wart Treatment is not aggressive to your skin and does not cause any burning or scaring.
It comes in a easy to use dropper bottle.
Its ingredients contains 100% of the highest quality homeopathic essential oils.
They offer a 90 day no quibble guarantee.
Why you should you buy Amoils H Wart Formula?
If you have a verruca or wart on your body i believe you should buy this all natural verruca treatment.
I recently recommended it to one of my friends daughters
She had previously had a scary and painful experience at the Podiatrists!
She had over 10 small verruca on her feet and they all went using the oil.
If you don't like painand need a speedy non messy application this will work for you.
Also you will be delighted that this natural verruca treatment will not burn or scar your skin.
It smells nice too !
And if you are pushed for time then this application literally takes 2-3 minutes twice a day.
Pricing and Purchase
Im based in the UK so i had to pay overseas shipping fees,
but to be honest i was at wits end , i had read so many positive reviews and done my research on natural oils i was happy to pay.
I just wanted my bottle.
So i paid on the trusted and secure website and i immediately got an email confirmation of my order.
How i used the best natural verruca treatment on my foot.
When i received the product in the post from California,
i was super excited and the package contained the product and full instructions on how to use the oil. Firstly i had to do a 24 skin test!........ UGGGGH
Patience is not one of my amazing skills but i done it and i had to wait 24 hours to ensure i did not have an allergic reaction to the product.
Test done , all ok , so i was good to go.
Firstly i buffed down my verruca first with a pumice file as i could see so much hard skin was covering the verruca.
Removing as much dead skin will allow you to apply the oil directly onto the verruca it self not just the dead callus covering it.
I guessed i the less callus the easier the oil could soak into the verrucae.
I then applied two drops to the verruca and waited 2-3 minutes before i moved to ensure the oil had dried 100%.
I then repeated this twice daily for 37 days until the verruca was gone.
Yes I had to reorder the product as i could tell i would run out and, Lucky for me i had received a coupon for 25% off from when i signed up to the news letter so that really helped keep costs down.
Extra tips i would recommend to you...
I found buffing down the verruca and the callus around and over the verruca every few days really helped initially.
It allowed me to expose the verruca so the treatment could penetrate deep into the root of the verruca.
I use a Mr Pumice Bar on my feet like this one its available on Amazon.
I also initially applied a compeed plaster, after my morning application. Compeed gel plasters are strong gel based plasters and they help pull off the dead skin tissue as the verruca is dying.
I noticed that if i used a plaster more of the dead verruca skin came off and the verruca was becoming smaller which each application.
I believe this is the best natural solution to heal your skin,
And as a Foot Health Practitioner i have 100% confidence
in the Amoils treatment and would not hesitate,
recommending it to you or a loved one who is presently struggling to cure a verruca or warts.
I think that because it worked for me! However just because the Bazuka and Wartner treatments didn't work on my foot
theres no reason that they wouldn't work on yours.
Bazuka and Wartner costs a lot less but a waste of time i believe,
and using these treatments i found it messy,
and i burnt my healthy skin ,
and personally my verruca got worse.
Alternative natural home remedies include using Duct tape .
Maybe its worth a try,
Simple to use and cheap to buy a roll at your local hardware shop
Jus apply a piece of tape for 5 days and rip it off.
The wart should come out with it.
Best Natural Verruca treatment ... Natural Healing Oils
If you need a easy and pain free and simple application,
That doesn't take long to apply,
A strong and healthy treatment that will 100% cure your body of
warts and verruca, Buy the Amoils H Wart Formula For Healthy Wart Free Feet.
It was the best choice i made,
And i now recommend all my patients to use it too.
Which ever treatment you choose to use i wish you luck and a speedy wart free foot.
Don't for get to leave me some feedback on your own experiences.
And if you have found my post beneficial or have a family member or friend who also want to rid them self of a their verruca then please share my post with them.
Don't forget to claim your $10 off Code here... Get $10 off your first Healing Natural Oils order
Bunionette pain is a sharp or burning pain in the 5th / little toe.
Tailor`s Toe or a Bunionette is a painful bump on the side of the bone on the 5th metatarsal toe joint,
just like a Bunion on the big toe a Bunionette aka tailors toe can be very painful and corns and callous formation is a common causing inflammation and swelling making footwear very difficult.
As the toe rubs in the footwear the joint becomes red , blisters and corns appear and the toe becomes very painful to touch.
Pain is the inital symptom of a bunionette on and around the 5th toe.
A blister or corn may appear making foot wear uncomfortable.
To cure a tailor`s toe pain if you have a corn is to have the callous removed and wear a bunionette pad this will stop the inflamation around the joint and ease the pressure and friction.
Podiatrists recommend unique designed bunionette pads or guards these supports the joint and protects the toe in footwear by preventing pain and friction associated with tailor`s toe pain.
Natural remedies for Bunionette Pain
1: Soaking your feet
Something simple and free. this relaxes the bones, tissue and muscles a Chiropody favourite remedy but very effective treatment which i would recommend you do after a long day at work or after exercising.
For additional bunionette relief add some table salt or epsom salts into the warm bowl of water .
Salt is a natural healer and if the bunionette has a blister or corn on it the salt will help prevent infections and increase healing .
Epsom salts is a natural remedies that relieves aching muscles and is used by athletes after training, it contains magnesium which is know for its healing powers. 2: Ice treatments
Sports therapy ice sprays and gels will give good bunionette relief and are easily available from chemists and supermarkets.
Bio freeze is a main brand but any will do. The cooling elements of the freeze relaxes the tissue around the joint and freezes or numbs the area you apply the gel or spray to.
Its a quick fix and with 10-15 minutes you the area will feel very cold and the pain will subside. Using ice cubes or frozen goods is the same idea but these only give 5- 10minutes of relief so not ideal. 3: Bunionette pads or guards / sleeves
Bunionette pads like bunion supports are podiatry designed gel guards that slip over the toe and sits comfortably over the bunionette joint preventing friction in foot wear.
These are the best treatments for bunionettes i believe because they give immediate relief and prevent blisters and corns and are slim enough to fit over the toe and not cause additional restriction or pressure in your shoes.
Bunionette sleeves are great if you do a lot of sports and will give protection and correction in sneakers.
4: Chiropody Felt
Moleskin or fleecy web felt is ideal and is available at chemists . Apply stripes of felt along the side of the 5th toe and across to anchor like a cross. This will cushion the achy joint and precent friction. Bit tricky to apply to the foot. 5: Wear comfortable footwear
Tight or narrow footwear will effect your bunionette pain, your feet will be squashed and pressure and friction will occur and additional pain from the tightness will most likely cause a blister or a corn on the little toe.
So being sensible and allowing room for your bunionette is important when choose shoes especially for work.
Bunionette pain over time can have damaging effect on the bone joints of the toe, our little toe has three bones and these can become traumatised bruised and infected in serious cases of bunionette pain.
The best cure for stopping bunionette pain is :
1: Don't wear tight shoes
2: Wear a bunionette pad or guard
Helping your bodies immune system and preventing inflammation the to the joints is a great preventative too taking vitamin B5 and Vitamin c and Zinc are all anti-inflammatory boosters and will keep your bones and muscles healthy and strong.
This Foot Callus Treatment advice will help you define what type of corn you may have on your toes.
I would say that 85% of my patients call me initially because they need corn removal is a big part of my business and keeps me busy. Corns on toe pictures show how corns have common spots that they appear on the toes and are either hard or soft callouses.
I know from first hand experience how painful a corn can be and without the correct support and protection these hard callus on foot formations can have you crippled up in pain by the end of the day.
The Definition of a corn is : Thickened Skin caused by friction and pressure.
Small circle in appearance hard skin i remember when i got a small corn on my little toe because i wore a new pair of boots which were a little tight and as i walked my foot rubbed into the boot and within 2 hours my toe was killing me i took the shoe off and the toe was red and inflamed and i could see a pin head corn. Me being me i carry micropore with me so i wrapped the toe up the best i could to get me through my night out.
4Common Callus On Foot Pictures
1: On the tips of the little toes
2: On the top of the toes knuckles
3: In between the toes
4: On the top and side of the 5th (little) toe
I believe the worst types of shoes which cause corns High Heels Ankle Boots Steel Capped Boots Flip Flops
But at the end of the day any shoe new or old can form a corn if the shoe is too tight or too loose if friction and pressure occur so will a corn.
Symptoms of corns
Soft cornsappear in between the toes and are very tricky to get rid of and can be painful. These soft corns form when the toes are being cramped together by a pair of shoes and they are being squashed on top of each other. High heeled shoes or pixie toed shoes are normally the culprits for these corns especially if you wear these shoes for long periods of time.
Corns that form on the tip of the toesi personally believe are the worst types of corns. When your toes begin to claw over or arthritis begins the toes natural position changes so as you walk your toe tips are gripping the sole of the shoe and pressure and friction causes the tips which are not weight baring to form corns on the distal (tip ) of the phalanges bone.
If you suffer from a bunion (hallux valgus) it is very common the get a corn on the bunion joint on the side and underneath the base of the metatarsal bone. Normally a bunion causes the 2nd toe to form a "Hammer toe" which is due to the big toe pushing towards the lesser toes and the second toe become bent and clawed. Hard corns form on the top of the second knuckle joint because the toe is raised in footwear and it rubs with each step. Very painful and usually impossible to cure totally.
5 Podiatry Tips for all day comfort
Be sensible wear comfortable shoes
Compeed plasters[kkstarratings]
Corn Wraps
Petroleum jelly (Vasaline)
Chiropody wool
Sensible Shoes For Callus on Foot Problems
I know who wants to be sensible, but if you squeeze your feet into a tight pair or mis shaped shoes for your feet corns will definitely occur. Pixie or pointed shoes will cause corns on the little toe and between toes to form. High heels shoes will force the toes into the box area of the shoe and can form corns on the knuckles or tips of the toes.
Compeed plasters
I love compeed plasters and they have a range for toes and corns and also blisters on heels. Compeed plasters are a strong gel Hydrocolloidal plaster.
The range for bunions in my opinion aren't as successful as they do not sit in the right place and fall off easily where the normal plaster style ones will stick in place and hang on for days if not weeks!. They are super soft and adhesive and for many patients a perfect product to prevent friction and pressure and stop callous and corns forming on their toes.
When applied to the blister, it starts to absorb body liquids turning into a soft mass that cushions the blister. It seals the blister forming so-called "second skin". The plaster doesn't heal the wound. It prevents the blister from developing and helps new skin to grow underneath the plaster.
Cushioned zone created by the plaster relieves pain and protects the wound from rubbing. The plaster repels water, and stops dirt and germs from entering the wound, thus preventing infection.
At first the plaster absorbs all the moisture from the blister but over time it becomes more permeable so the wound dries out.[27] Unlike ordinary dressingshydrocolloidal plaster stays on the wound for several days and it stays on even in the shower. Content from
How to use Compeed corn removal plasters
When i use compeed plasters on my patients for corns i get the patient to leave one plaster on for 3-5 days and then remove the plaster and reapply another if necessary. When you pull the plaster of the adhesive plaster pulls out the corn and its corn leaving the skin smooth. A 6 pack costs £4/$7 very reasonable i believe.
Corn Wraps / Corn Sleeves
Podiatry toe protectors which slide over toes to prevent friction and pressure. The wraps are made of silicone medical gel and are covered by a mesh fabric which acts as a barrier between the shoes and the toes.
Corn wraps come in two sizes large and medium , the large would be for the big toe only.
The silicone gel part of the support sits on the skin and over the corn, like compeed plasters these will precent friction and burning and prevent corns forming. A great choice for hammer toes and soft corns in-between your toes. These wraps often fall off the little toe and are harder to keep on but with socks or tights they are held well in place and a great tool to prevent corns on toes.
£2/$5 for a pack of two.
Vaseline / Petroleum Jelly
Corns and callous on heels can be treated using vaseline , this deep greasy ointment penetrates the hard rough skin and softens and naturally exfoliates corns and callous. Try applying to your feet at night and wear a pair of cotton socks the heat generated fastens the process of softening and will leave the feet smooth and well hydrated.
Chiropody / Animal / Lambs Wool
A very old fashioned Chiropody method to solve corns and callous of the toes is chiropody wool. lambs wool is 100% wool so not good if you have a lanolin irritation. It comes in a 25g roll and lasts ages. You cut a piece of the animal wool and wrap it around the toe and its corn or place in the shoes box area to protect the tips of the toes. Animal wool prevents friction because it is coarse. And although quite fluffy to begin with the wool will mould to your toes position and matt and can be reused. Dancers have been using lambs wool for decades especially in ballet shoes as the tips of the toes have a lot of pressure applied to them and blisters and corns can form. I use it on patients with bunions and hammer toes and it separates the two toes from rubbing together and stops and pain pressure and corns. This is still one of my preferred corn on the foot removal techniques i use if my patients do not have a lanolin irritation or have trouble bending down to their feet.
Pack of Animal wool starts at £3.99/ $7 for 100g
I hope i have shared some valuable advice and information so you can prevent and cure corns and blisters on your feet. Being sensible is really the major take away here. If you do get a corn make sure you change your foot wear whilst you are healing the corn and use a treatment that suits you.
You have several choices corn wrap, animal wool or using vaseline over night. Once the corn has gone the pain will go too.
If you have enjoyed this post: Treatments For Your Callus on Foot, and i would appreciate a share or leave me a comment below if you need any further advice on the best corn removals for your feet. Zara Butti MAFHP MCFHP
Getting rid of corns on your toes does not have to be challenging or a painful experience.
And choosing the best corn removers for your toes can be broken down leaving you to choose one of the these 5 podiatry recommend products,
That will not only remove the painful corn but restore the skin back to normal and prevent any further corns coming back.
Top 5 Best Corn Removers that i use are (in no particular order)
CREAM -Pickles Foot Ointment
Salicylic Acid - based topical treatment
Animal /Chiropody Wool - Old fashioned by effective lambs wool you wrap around the toes.
Strong Gel Plasters - Compeed corn plasters
Toe Support -Corn Toe Wraps /Toe Protector
The great thing about all these treatments are that they all cost under $10 and they all work a treat.
Learning how to stop corns in the first place is a good place to start.
It may be as simple as changing your shoes regularly, I like boots but often their pointed shape creates a corn on my little toe.
So to make sure i do not get a corn to often i wear a compeed plaster and i make sure i do not wear the boots to many days running.
Why do you get corns on your toes?
Corns appear on toes because of friction and pressure. Usually its because your toes are being pushed into the toe box area like when you wear high heels or because of new tight fitting shoes that cause friction as you walk.
Corns are treatable and do not return when caused by footwear.
You may also be more prone to corns on your toes if you suffer from a bunion, hammer toe, or clawed toes.
Corns will return even when they are removed , but pain can be prevented and the growth of the corns slowed down by using a corn remover product.
I personally believe the best way to get rid of a corn on your toe when you get one is to either:
a) Use a Corn Wrap / Toe Protector. b) Compeed Plaster.
Lets get into more detail about the best corn removers for under $10 you can use and get instant relief for your toes.
The only cream i know specifically for corns is Pickles.
This ointment contains salicylic acid (50%).
Im not a big fan of using acid on corns or warts but it is a effective and fast treatment that will get rid of corns. Pros Thick ointment easy to apply daily, usually cures corns in around 3-4 weeks.
The ointment builds up and then It peels the corn layers off after each application and is good for larger corns and callus under the foot. Cons Salicylic acid burns and if applied to normal healthy skin will burn and will cause damage to the skin. Be very careful not to burn your skin.
Picks is a slow treatment 3-4 weeks.
I personally wouldn't use Pickles on soft corns in between the toes because it will burn like hell ! Use a Compeed plaster instead.
Topical Treatments
Topical corn removal treatments include Cuplex .
Cuplex is gel application which also contain salicylic acid and lactic acid , it comes in a 5g tube.
It is applied once a day, and also good for hard corns, verruca and plantar warts.
It is water resistant so you can shower daily. Pros
Duplex is a well known Chiropody product in the UK and is an excellent choice for small hard corns and callus on the foot.
Only One application a day is needed and no plaster is required as the gel forms a gel protective layer of the corn. Cons Salicylic acid is extremely abrasive so i would recommend you apply vaseline around the area of the corn before application,
this will protect the healthy skin from being burnt.
Its a little tricky and messy to apply from a fine pointed tube. So you may need assistance to apply the product in the correct spot.
Chiropody Wool
Old fashioned Chiropody Lambs woolor now adays known it is known as Animal wool.
Chiropody wool looks like cotton wool but it is abrasive.
Lams wools has been used for decades to protect the toes in shoes by dancers and athletes.
Lambs wool matts and can be moulded around the toes or pushed into the toe box area of shoes.
It prevents friction and pressure from high shoes and prevents corns returning and forming in the first place. I love chiropody wool and use it daily on my patients feet. Pros
Chiropody wool is not going to cause any additional pain like acid and cream treatments. It is a proven Chiropody treatment for corns and is very effective and prevents friction.
It can be moulded around toes and matts in place and can be used multiple times. A very in-expensive corn removal product.
Not ideal for corns on the little toe or bunionette joint but perfect choice for soft corns in between the toes and corns on hammer or clawed toes.
Gel Corn Plasters
I have used Compeed plastersfor the past 7 years on my patients corns and also my own corn which i got because of a new pair of boots ,
and in desperation whilst out in London i purchased a pack of Compeed Corn Plasters which instantly solved the pain and pressure.
Compeed plasters are a strong gel Hydrocolloidal plasters, you can apply to any corn types soft and hard on any toes.
The great thing about Compeed corn plasters is that you leave them on for 3-5 days they are waterproof,
and when you remove the plaster it draws the core of the corn out with it.
Pros They instantly stop pain from corns. The clear gel is discreet and once applied to the toe is invisible and very comfortable.
I believe these are the best corn removers to buy.
Instantly stops pain.Cons
They are incredibly sticky and have protective wrapping on both sides of the plaster so they can be tricky removing the packaging.
Crazy but be careful as you can easily waste a plaster. They come in packs of 6 usually.
Toe Supports/ Corn Wraps
Corn Wraps cushion, protect and stops pressure from footwear.
They are very easy to use you simply pull them onto the toe that need protecting.
Perfect choice for toes that need full time protection maybe hammer toes, arthritic toes, clawed toes. Pros
Washable and reusable cushion pads
Very in-expensive
Protects and cushions toes idea for runners or people that play a lot of sport.
If you find it hard to bend and reach your toes they are not ideal
Cannot be left on 24 hours a day as they will soften the skin too much.
My final opinion
For me when i suffered from a hard corn on my little toe from a pair of new boots, i can still remember the pain corns on toes cause!.
I needed a instant pain relief so i could keep walking and continue with my day out and the Compeed Plasters for me solved my problem instantly.
But if you suffer from corns because of the biomechanics of your feet from bunions, injuries, hammer toes, clawed toes then i would recommend you protect your toes on a daily basis.
This will prevent the corns causing you pain and prevent reoccurring corns to become large and infected and very very painful!.
So its well worth testing out a couple of products on my best corn removers list and find a product that suits your toes.
And for under $10 they defiantly do not break the bank.
I hope you have enjoyed my review and have found value here, i would appreciate you liking this post on social media and share with your friends.
If you have a question or comment please leave one below and i will answer you back.
Zara Butti MAFHP MCFHP Foot Pain Relief Expert
Plantar Fasciitis Relief In 7 Days Yes Its True! Try These 4 Simple Tips....
One question i get asked daily as a Foot Health Professional is "What is the best Plantar Fasciitis relief treatment " .
Heel Pain is such a massive problem that actually effects millions of us every year, and thats why i would like to share with you this amazing video i found on Youtube.
These 4 simple tips for plantar fasciitis relief in 7 days. The Best thing they use free stuff you have around the house that are absolutely free!
This video is by Dr Axe who is a youtube mogul and has huge content on healthcare and nutrition advice.
I love is clear and informative advice and he also recommends fabulous smoothies and natural foods that heal your body.
This video about How you can cure plantar fasciitis in 7 days has had over 1 million views and i would encourage you to check his youtube channel out at Dr Axe Youtube.
What are the 4 things to Plantar Fasciitis Relief in 7days ?
Dr Axe has experienced plantar fasciitis pain before as he loves doing triathlons his personal pain encouraged him to research the best natural plantar fasciitis relief for his feet and these are the best 4 remedies he has found that has worked and the reasons behind the remedies.
1 Deep tissue work
2 Stretches
3 Nutritional foods and supplements
4 Strengthening the muscles in the foot.
1: Deep Tissue Massage
He recommends to either higher a massager or physio therapist to work on your fascia tissue and foot muscles, but of course this can cost a lot of money.
Lucky there is a better and cheaper option open to you. 4 absolutely free treatments that will be even more effective form of direct massage to your fascia tissue .
And that is by using a tennis ball, rolling pin or baseball bat.
Grab your tool! and simply put the ball or rolling pin under your foots arch barefoot or with a sock on.
All you have to do is roll your foot backwards and forth stretching the tendons in the foots.
Make sure you apply good pressure you want to feel the tension, over time slowly increase the pressure applied as they strengthens the muscles.
This stretch works over time and it will relax the tendons and muscles.
Similar to puling a muscle in your back or shoulder the pain initially is tight when you exercise and strengthen the muscles they begin to repair and relax .
The same issue is in your foot the plantar fascia tissue become tight and tense, inflamed and difficult to stand and walk on.
Deep tissue massage really breaks down the scar tissue, inflammation and pain subsides.
Best to do this exercise 2-3 times a day and work up to 5 minutes but start at 2 minutes and make sure you concentrate on the arch area.
2: Deep Stretching
Another simple and totally free method for plantar fasciitis relief.
Grab some blocks or use your house stairs and lean the foot into the stairs.
Pressing arch inwards stretching in and out for 2 minutes at a time 2-3 times a day.
Be careful not to topple over hold on the banisters or wall.
3: Vitamins and Nutrients
Getting certain nutrients into your body will also naturally help relax tendons.
Your body needs nutrients to help it relax the muscles and if you have a poor diet you may be doing your body a disservice.
Eating leafy green, lentils and bananas all contain magnesium, Avocados, salmon and broccoli all contain Vitamin B5 and Omega 3 is also found in Salmon.
Magnesium 500mg a day before the bed, this relaxes the foots muscles.
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) is known to relax the muscles and heals the plantar fasciitis tissue.
Fish Oil - Omega 3 in your diet increase natural repair and healing.
Eating anti inflammatory foods like turmeric, salmon, carrot, also contain the nutrients you need to get plantar fasciitis relief in 7 days and repair your plantar tendons and muscles.
4: Strengthening The Muscles By Wearing Barefoot Shoes
One of the main causes of heel and plantar fasciitis is our footwear not wearing the right shoes for our feet and this weakens our foot muscles.
We were built to be walking barefoot and as we all wear shoes nowadays certain muscles and tendons are being used as shoes do not allow the natural movement they were designed for.
The majority of our foot muscles are weak as they are not being use!
So try walking around barefoot or use a pair of barefoot shoes naturally strengthen your feet fast. Barefoot shoes look just like feet! so perfect for at home but you can buy barefoot shoes and trainers and Dr Axe recommends Merrells Barefoot Trainers and also Vibram Fivefingers KSO EVO. Click here for more info and current pricing. Vibram Men's KSO EVO Cross Training Shoe, Black,43 EU/10.5-11 M US Vibram Women's KSO Evo Cross Training Shoe, Black ,39 EU/8 M US
By wearing barefoot shoes they will strengthen your calf muscles and all your small muscles in your feet plus your foots arches will be lifted,
The benefit of barefoot shoes are that will make your foot strong and the fascia tissue inflammation will be relieved and your foot pain free.
Not only do barefoot shoes relieve plantar fasciitis pain they will prevent reoccurrence of plantar pain.
When starting to wear Barefoot shoes Dr Axe recommends you start out 30mins - 1 hour a day and build your muscles up and allow the foot to become comfortable with the fit.
My Final Thoughts
These really are the solutions to plantar fasciitis relief in 7 days, Grab a pen and write them down.
Deep massage
Deep stretches
Barefoot shoes
"These 4 effective remedies for plantar fasciitis do not cost a penny!."
You most likely have a tennis ball or rolling pin indoors as well as stairs! And you can increase your daily nutrients through your food intake or by in expensive supplements.
Why not try walking around the house barefoot.
I challenge you to do these 4 things over the next 7 days and leave me a comment below of your progress.
So no more excuses my friend, get working on your feet and be plantar fasciitis pain free in the next 7 days.
Thanks for reading my post and i really hope you enjoyed and found value here to solve your plantar foot pain.
For More Plantar Fasciitis Relief in 7 days Resources: