Heel pain can be crippling and the most common heel pain is a foot condition call plantar fasciitis or heel spur which is caused by damage to the fibrous tissue which is a thickend broad band running along the inside of the foot called the plantar fascia.
It is important to cushion the heel and feet and avoid wearing flat or thin shoes including flip flops. When the tissue becomes injured it will inflame and cause inflammation and walking and standing on the hell becomes a very painful experience.
Often heel pain is referred to as a heel spur this is because a calcium deposit builds when your heel suffers long term and the continued inflammation causes a calcium thorn like spur just on the plantar fascia at the point of the heel which then proceeds to dig /inserts into the heel causing a very sharp pain.
The pain begins less aggressive maybe occasionally when walking or standing for long periods but will continue from a dull or nagging ache to a sharp intense pain. It is common to have painful heels when waking and stepping out of bed in the morning too.
Possible Causes Of Planters Fasciitis / Heel Pain
- Fallen arches or flat feet. Due the the foot rolling and over pronation is causing the ankle to roll and the bodies weight is not evenly distributed. The heel pain must be managed to prevent further damage to the plantar fasciitis.
- The Foot Pain Guru Recommends Orthotic Heel Supports to Stop Heel pain and also PP Insoles for severe fallen arches and heel pain. These simple orthotics make walking painfree .
- Repetitive strain injury ,when continued pressure and weight is causing the the plantar fasciitis to inflame for example sports like running, a dance class like zumba even a job you have probably heard of policemans heel where they walk the beat continuously.
- Pregnancy or weight gain. Which can be solved using heel supports which cushion and gently lift the heel to absorb shock when walking.
Arthritis can be a factor causing the natural walking gait to become unbalanced or if walking with a stick extra weight and pressure is put onto the heel.
Best Treatments for Plantars Fasciitis/ Heel Pain
Professionals encourage patients to use a orthotic support these are the best cure for heel pain .View here to see heel inserts and arch supports.
Cold Gel or Freeze sprays can be used when heel pain is at an early stage and will relax the burning inflamed heel making walking easier.
Anti inflammable Drugs including ibroprophen will give short term relief but please check with your doctor first. Your GP may refer you to the hospital to have a steroid injection for severe cases this is a very painful experience and does not always work and can cause the pain to become worse but for some luck patients relief can be felt and relaxes the heel to heal whilst the steroid is within the tissue.
Mankyfeet Recommends for planters fasciitis and heel pain

Soft Silicone heel inserts available online at www.mankyfeet.com or ebay stores mankyfeetuk £4,47 podiatry orthotic supports for planters fasciitis and heel pain.
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