After my initial inspection the skin looked smooth and no obvious signs of friction you would expect from footwear causing a corn, then I noticed a slight bruising within the skin and after gentle paring a corn was present and after removing this I found the culprit , a dog hair ! I turned to the pet dog Freddie the Jack Russell and told my customer he had one of Fred hairs embedded in the skin of his foot.
This is actually fairly common problem and one often hair dressers and barber get when wearing open shoes. So next time you have a sharp pain under your foot maybe the family pet could be to blame.
How to prevent hair from causing problems with your feet !
If you work in a hair dressers or barbers always wear enclosed shoes.
Pet hairs get everywhere so regular hoovering is essential.
Wash or shower feet before bed just I case you have loose hair on your feet.
Keep nails short so hair cannot get embedded under the nails.
Inspect your feet regularly and if you have a sharp pain with no obvious callous you may a hair embedded so seek help from a professional.
Keep feet soft and prevent splits and cracks use a salve cream which repairs damaged dry rough skin.
Mankyfeet for all your foot needs, online foot health store
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